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Organisations and Corporations

In a world where we are always connected and pulled in many directions at once it is important to remember your own and your employee well-being. As an organisation we can support your company with well-being in the workplace.  Mindfulness is proven to have many benefits for individuals and the workplace. These benefits include better focus, concentration, increased creativity, better management of stress, improved communication and relationships. All of these skills create a more confident and productive workforce.  
We can offer a regular class or a one-off workshop depending on your requirements. The sessions generally last for an hour and include some mindfulness learning, tools and a guided mediation.  All you need to provide is a quiet space. You and your staff do not need prior experience of mindfulness or mediation.

Rock Balancing

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Tailored to Your Needs

One off workshops can be delivered to to enable your teams to gain a better sense of well-being and which will help aid performance,aid concentration, gain more focus and help reduce stress. This workshop generally takes from one to two hours during which we will provide an overview of the theory and practice of mindfulness including a mindful meditation. Participants will take away exercises that provide immediate, practical benefits. They will also receive some practical advice for bringing mindfulness in their daily life.

Mindfulness Workshop

Master Your Technique

The workshop will last an hour and outline the basics of mindfulness with the benefits and focus on one area.  Sessions are outlined below.


Stress is a major issue for many people so  we will be using whiskey breathing techniques by activating the parasympathetic nervous system and mindful meditations to allow the body and mind to slow down. 


Relaxation is also a concern and being tense can impact on a good night's sleep.  Breathing techniques to aid relaxation and better sleep will be used alongside a mindful mediation or visualisations.


Focus in the work place can be difficult when so many things need to be done.  Using mindfulness mediation can support better focus and aid concentration.  



Business Meeting
Group Discussion

Group Meditation Course

Gain Inner Clarity

Live a life filled with passion, meaning, and fulfillment by taking part in a comprehensive Group Meditation Session that promotes a healthy mind, body, and soul. Discover what mindfulness can do for you over a period of several weeks in an hour long session.


The group sessions will explore what mindfulness is, what it isn't, the benefits, different practices and how to practice and incorporate it into our daily lives.


We use  grounding practices, mindful meditations to support concentration, and lower stress levels.  In addition visualisations will be used to aid relaxation and we will explore water, whiskey, coffee breathing techniques,  plus self care.

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