We are going to focus on a full body stretch. You can do this at the start of the day to energise or the end to relax. All you will need is your body, breath and a dressing gown belt or similar and maybe a cushion nearby too. Any pain, in any pose then do ease it back and find your comfortable position. Yoga is not about the perfect position but tuning into your unique body in the moment. Feel free to message me at any time for additional information or questions.
Come to a seated pose, a cross legged position and don't worry we are not aiming for the lotus position. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes if you prefer and bring awareness to how your body is feeling right now. Notice where any tension might be, allow your spine to settle and bring your hands, palms together in front of your heart. Simply breathe.
Remaining seated bring the arms stretched out and rest on the knees, raise the spine and begin rotating the shoulders clockwise taking the stretch deep up to the ears and deep downwards. Notice the movement of the shoulder blades as you do this and bring them together when the shoulders contract. Breathe and release and bring the moment to to anti clockwise rolls. Make sure the head is straight and the spine too.
Release the rotation and then move the head gently to the left side and then to the right. A lovely relaxing pose for desk workers especially.
A beautiful release to the sides. Resting the left arm on the floor and taking a deep inhale raise the right from the hip straight up and beyond the head over to the left and twist the neck gently to look up. Exhale completely, try to to reach for the floor with the left hand as you bend a little more towards the left.
Remain for around 6 breaths, sinking into the stretch as the breath allows. Release and repeat to the other side. This stretch brings a flexibility to the spine and also works on the neck and shoulder muscles.
Lying on your back inhale and hug both knees to your chest. Wrap the arms around or simply hold the knees as best you can.
Tuck you chin into the chest and head remains on the floor.. Press the sacrum, base of the back, gently to the floor and you pull the knees into the chest using your arms.
Press the shoulders and the back of the neck towards the floor, trying to get the back and whole spine flat to the floor. relax the legs, feet and hips.
Breath and hold the pose for around 4-8 breaths. Breathe deeply into the belly.
To release exhale and release the arms and legs to the floor.
Remaining on your back with knees bent, placing the feet on the floor, inhale and bring the left foot over the right knee, Thread arms and hands through to hold the right leg as needed. flexing the left thigh and left hip. Hold and breathe around 4 to 8 breaths.
In a low flow repeat to the other side.
This is a fantastic stretch to the lower back, hamstrings and hips.
Draw your feet together and pull up towards your bottom. A little like a butterfly or frog shape. Allow your thighs to roll out and your hips to relax. Do to push the the thighs just allow them to fall as they will. Imagine your knees are floating and your hip area, groin settles into the mat. Breathe steadily here for a minute. this is a restful pose and great for tummy cramps. You can do this pose in bed or against the wall if needed. A great pose for stiff hips and groin area.
A full body stretch is very similar to the morning stretch we all do. A fantastic pose to release the fascia and tightness in the body. Stretch the hands away from the body and the feet too as if being pulled in the opposite directions. Breathe and exhale release.
A deep stretch and aiming for a C type of shape. Hold the position from 1 to 10 minutes to gain the most effect form this pose. Breathe gently and steadily, and deeply. It releases tension, opens the hip joints and relieves tension in the pelvic area. It also release tensions in the spine.
So lying on your back slide both head and the feel towards the left side as you slide your hips to the right creating the C shape. Keep shoulders and arms on the floor. Release and repeat to the other side. This is quite a deceptive pose. It looks easy but can feel very intense.
Bring your right knee to your chest. Place both hands on your knee. Inhale, stretch your arms and move your knee away. Exhale, knee back to chest. repeat 3 times and then repeat to the left side.
Loop the strap around the bottom of the foot and extend the leg upwards, pressing through the heel. The other leg can be bent and foot on the floor. If you decide to extend this leg then keep it engaged. You may bend the leg slightly if needed on the looped leg and draw ti gently towards your chest. Hold and breathe for around 5 breaths. Release the looped leg and repeat to the other side.. This is a wonderful stretch to the lower back and hamstrings too.
Come to a kneeling position by rolling onto your side and pushing carefully up to sitting. You may need a cushion under your bottom if kneeling is difficult or under your knees as needed. In this position our quads are stretching and we near the end of our session. Closing your eyes, breathing slowly and deeply. No rush. remain here for a around 10 breaths.
This is our last pose and bringing the heart back to a normal rate. You may wish to extend the arms out forwards. Folding forwards, chest to knees, placing the hands on the heels, exhale and rest the head on your mat. You may now stretch out your arms if it feels easier.. Simply breathe and relax completely.