I have learned so much this year about myself to take into 2023 and there are somethings that I will be leaving behind in 2022. The most important thing I feel is to take time for myself and not feel guilty about it. time to recharge, do nothing if needed. Also to live more slowly. I have a tendency to be always on the go and this year I have tried to be mindful of this and slow down a little. I will be mindful and leave the rushing in 2022. I am focused on boundaries too as I find it hard, as so many of us do, to say no at times. There is so much pressure out there to be perfect and I am not perfect. I am on a learning curve to grow every day. Perfect is out and progress is in for me!
It has been a year of new training. I am now a Trigger Point Pilates instructor, a Yoga Trapeze coach and currently training in children's yoga with Rainbow Yoga
which I am thoroughly enjoying. I am now also delivering after school clubs in mindfulness.
It has been a year of fantastic growth for me personally and Press Pause. I will definitely living next year and if you want to join me then email presspauseuk.co.uk