Simply breathe.
The first way to relax is to focus on the breath and that is what we will do.
Let's take a moment to simply breathe together. We are going to take 10 long breaths long breaths slowly in and out.
Gently close you eyes. Begin to let the outside world and the day drift away.
Calmly breathe in and out.
As you do this you will feel more peaceful, relaxed.
What we are going to do is easy and simple.
Breathe in and out slowly and evenly.
Notice the rhythm of your breathing.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Make you exhalation longer than your inhalation.
When you breathe in allow your belly to expand fully.
Inhaling deeply through your chest and belly.
Become aware of how your body is moving when you breathe.
Just see how it feels.
Breath in slowly through the nose and out through your mouth.
Slowly breathing in and breathing out.
Exhale with a long deep sigh.
And again as you exhale sigh it out.
Take another breath in and then let it all out through the mouth.
Again slowly in through the nose
Empty the lungs. Let all the air flow out.
Inhale slowly, calmly, and out slowly and steadily.
Take another breath in and remember to lengthen the exhale
Inhaling through the nose and out with a long deep sigh.
Again slowly in and out through the mouth.
Take another breath in
Exhale long and slow.
Take on long last deep breath in. Your deepest one yet
Slowly exhaling all the air.
Allow your breathing to return to it's normal rhythm.
Finger breathing is so easy and children can use this too to become calm and grounded.
Whenever you need a few moments of mindfulness you can use this practice. It allows you to connect with your mind and body. To feel grounded.
Start with thumb at the base. Take your other hand and with your finger inhale and slowly move up the thumb and exhale as you go down the thumb.
The go up the next finger slowly breathing in and then down slowly breathing out.
Repeat this for the next fingers breathing in and breathing out until you go slowly down your little finger.
Then inhale and come all the way back up and down your fingers back to the thumb.
Slowly breathing in and out as you go up and down each finger.
On the last finger come back to your usual pattern of breathing noticing how calm you feel.
So often we are our own worst critic so try this to ease the pressure on yourself and love yourself unconditionally.
Liking yourself.
Close or lower your eyes and settle into a comfortable position. Simply bring your attention to your breathing. Notice the rise an fall of your belly.
Warm air flowing in through the nostril and cool air out.
Just focus on your breathing allowing thoughts to just drift by like clouds.
On your next breath begin to bring to your mind something you appreciate about your body.
Maybe ask yourself what you like about your body and just pause to appreciate it. It might be that you love your hair, maybe you are flexible, strong, have good skin.
Whatever it is just stay with the feeling of liking this part or quality about your body as you breathe steadily in and out.
Now gently shift your attention to your mind and notice the qualities of your brain and emotional experience. What do you appreciate about your brain? Your insight, compassion, your enthusiasm, energy. Again simply notice and breathe.
Simply notice all the wonderful things about yourself. You are amazing and the fact that you are taking this time to nurture yourself shows how much you appreciate your mind and body.
Have a wonderful day!