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Sankalpa our Seed of Change!


Spring is a time of change, a time of hope and the earth slowly coming back to life. It is a time to ponder and plant our intentions for the months ahead. In yoga we call this intention setting Sankalpa which means an intention or resolve formed in our heart and mind. The word is from Sanskrit 'San' for meaning a connection to the highest truth and 'Kalpa' meaning vow.

A Sankalpa is usually a heartfelt resolve made before our yoga practice. It differs from a new years intention as they are usually negative ones for example, I need to quit eating chocolate or I need to lose weight. A Sankalpa is always positive and an anchor in your life. . A Sankalpa starts from the position that you already are who you need to be to be happy. It is not just an affirmation or a goal; it is an expression of you deepest intentions and the essence of your being which guides you to live a life aligned with your true self.

Examples of a Sankalpa could be

I awaken my spiritual potential

I am strong in mind and body

I treat myself and others with kindness.

I am able to take time for myself each day.

For me I choose 'I have peace in mind and body' and I find it so helpful. I repeat it to myself at the start of the day, through the day, in my yoga practice and meditation. Don't get me wrong I have my moments when I forget my Sankalpa but you are human and at times we all drift off and need to come back to that anchor of our Sankalpa.

Which Sankalpa will you choose? Take your time to find one that resonates with you and who you are and remember it can change over time too. Nothing is set in stone. Just like Spring it comes, flourishes and then changes.

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