Autumn is on the horizon. The sun is gradually waning and losing its power; the days are getting a little shorter, and each morning the sun gets up a little later and goes to down a little earlier. The energy of the Earth is shifting from fire to water; yang to yin; sun to moon, and if we flow with the change of energy, and gradually shift from outward pursuits to a more inward focus of contemplation, then it can be a wonderful way of keeping our life in balance.

Often our bodies can be ready for change and for the pace to slow down a little. However the mind and spirit can still be clinging on to the memories of summer and the powerful energy that brings, which can leave us feeling a little edgy and feeling adrift. This we discovered in our Monday group yoga class. It can be really helpful to have time to connect outside to nature, inviting us to mirror the pace of the seasons from the inside out. Putting a little time aside for a daily for walk can often soothe that inner call we have to slow down and tune into what is going on around us, inviting us to align more easily to the new softer, slower, autumnal energy that is coming. As you walk take time to look a the scenery, sky, allow the fragrance of the earth to drift into your senses.
Our Yang Yin practice in this coming Monday yoga group seeks to reflect this change and allow us to flow into Autumn peacefully and embracing the flow of nature in our lives. Our Yang practice is the warmth of the summer months and Yin brings in the cooler, slower elements of autumn.
Autumn is a time when our mind may move to thinking about our year, what has ended and what is beginning. It’s a good time to reflect on what we have personally harvested so far in the year, to give thanks for everything and everyone who helped us on the way and perhaps to plant some seeds of intention for the months ahead. Reflective practices like this can be really helpful in cultivating a sense of completeness, an antidote to the daily rush from our autopilot mode of task to task to complete our to-do lists.
Give yourself time and space to really embrace this time of year, and to fully appreciate its beauty in all it's glory. Join me in this journey?