Life can be one long rush. One long to do do list. One meeting after another. Bombarded by information constantly. Cutter all around us. Decisions to be made.
Most of us live in that constant state of feeling overwhelmed. Life is too fast, too much to deal with and we might feel that we are failing in some way. Always reacting to things, and not really living the life we want to live. Living in autopilot. As a result, we walk around with emotions such as anxiety, sadness and depression, instead of happiness, contentment and joy. Sound familiar?
But what if you could simplify your life?
How would that make you feel to have less “noise” in your life?
Here are my top 5 tips!
Meditation can prevent overthinking. It can also help slow down a racing mind. If your brain is going at “a mile a minute” with thoughts, especially when you’re laying in bed, try meditation. It will bring you a sense of calmness by helping you control your thoughts and emotions. Try it any time of the day but you will find a time that works best for you as you practice. Just take two minutes to start with and set a timer if needed.
Breathe. I know you think you can breath but try this. Close your eyes if preferred, get comfy and breathe in deeply through your nostrils for the count of 4 and out slowly for a count of 6. Only use the nostrils to breathe if possible. This will help you to relax, slow your mind and ground you by stimulating your vagus nerve and allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to come in to play. Do this ten times and repeat as needed.
We’re probably all subscribed to way to many email lists and most we don't even need they just clutter up around those we do need and so miss. . I know I am and recently had a massive clear out. It felt so good. I can now see much more clearly the emails I actually want and use plus it has reduced that endless scrolling to find what I need. .
Take a little time each evening to and write your to do list for tomorrow. If you wait until the morning to do this it might interrupt your morning routine, or interfere with actually getting things done. So plan the night before and get things written down for the next day and so get a more peaceful sleep. In addition lay out the clothes you want to wear too. Saves all that fretting over does it go with these shoes or is it suitable for the day. This prep the night before I totally swear by it. It is part of my bedtime routine which also lets my brain and body know it is bedtime soon. Bonus!
Practice gratitude. The benefits are many! They include increased happiness and optimism and reduced materialism. When you focus on the positives in your life, it clears your mind of negative thoughts. When you focus on all the good you already have, it reduces your desire to have more stuff. Every night just before you drift off to sleep think of five things you are grateful for from the day. This will put your brain in a positive mindset to start your day. Fall to sleep feeling contented and wake feeling great.
I hope this helps to simplify your life just a little. Baby steps is what I say to my clients. You can't change it all at once it just won't work. Take small steps, get them embedded into your life and then take another step.