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Slow Living for You?


Do you live life at 100 miles an hour? Are you forever trying to cram in as much as possible into 24 hours? Are you feeling overwhelmed by your own schedule? Do you actually remember much of your day? Sound like you? If so you might need to slow it down.

I read recently about 'bed rotting' as a way to look after yourself- in effect a whole day in bed- duvet day. This is no bad thing every so often but what about every day care, protecting ourselves from burn out long term?

Stimulate your vagus nerve

When our bodies are on high alert, it’s because our minds have become overstimulated and we are living in the sympathetic nervous system most of the day. This explains why we often can't sleep when we go to bed- tired but wired! Stimulating our vagus nerve will trigger our ‘rest and digest’ response and help us feel more relaxed. Some ways to do this are exercise, meditation and breath work. One easy breathing exercise is the square breathing practice. Simply, breathe in for four counts, gently hold at the top of the breath for four counts, breathe out for four counts, and gently hold and the bottom of the breath for four counts. You can repeat this for as long as you need. This breath is perfect to do as you climb into bed to prepare your mind and body for sleep.

Speak kindly to yourself

We speak at times very harshly to ourselves. We say things to our-self we would never dream of saying to others. I know i certainly can! A little spoonful of sweetness can go such a long way when it comes to reducing stress that we often put upon ourselves. “It’s okay to take time for myself” and “ There is always tomorrow” can provide a deeper sense of self-care when there’s simply so much going on in our lives.

Yin Yoga

Restorative yoga can help you unwind and encourage a deep, deep feeling of rest. There is less movement with restorative yoga than with other such as vinyasa flow. Poses are held from 3 to 5 minutes.

Yin yoga calms and balances the mind and body, reduces stress and anxiety, improves flexibility and releases fascia. It brings a deep connection with our breath and body and into the present moment.

So here are three easy ways to slow down and don't forget our mindfulness group each Wednesday on Teams at 8pm UK time. Email for the link.

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